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Finger Print


BFLEX 399i is the Contemporary and innovative fingerprint time attendance also offering unparallel perormance for physical access control. Most physical time attendance and access security systems in use these days are based upon magnetic cards, identification numbers (IDs) and proximity cards. The desadvantage of these is the inability to detect false acceptance. This leads to frequent security breaches.

Now, you can eliminate and prevent such security problems with the use of BFLEX 399i. BFLEX 3 generally supports Rs232-485/ TCP/IP and Wiegand 26 interface output and holds a broad compatibility to any wiegand 26 Access Controller System. It has additional FUNCTION KEYS such as IN / Out Buttons. F1 (lunch Scheduler) and F2 (Meeting Scheduler, etc). Besides, it has BELL and INTERCOM button and hence suitable for outdoor used because it is WATERPROOF. With the additional green and red LIGHT near the screen, it gives an easy verification to users whether he/she has the right to access or not.

This model is so flecible when it comes to any request for customization such as back up batteries, language customization and etc. Basically this model is very user friendly because it has meny features being built in this compact design. Application Fields: Bursary, Bank, Army,Jail, R&D Institution, Universities, Schools, Security Managment System of Government or Enterprise and any Applications that reqire authorized fingerprint authentication to access to the premises and for time attendance system...

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